Top 10 Topics To write About For a Blog

Top 10 Topics To write About For a Blog

Top 10 Topics To write About For a Blog

1 Top 10 Topics To write About For a Blog

This also can be a best Idea to write about you can guide people to write about for their blog. You can provide them with the Ideas what they can write about.
 People keep on looking on internet that what can be best topic to write about. So you can come in between and can sort out their problem by giving them certain Ideas. There is quite search for this keyword in Google. below is the picture of the same.
 I did search about others trending topics like Ancient history SEo tricks Travelling etc. And I was Astounded that the number of people searched for Top 10 Topics To write About is more than all of that. I know this is a very competitive topic and requires lot of knowledge. But Believe me this can be a very good income source. So for me This is the best topic to write about if any one is having such kind of talent.

2, Travel 

One of the most searched keyword on google is travel. So we can get out of this that people are crazy about the travelling they want to know about places how to reach there and what are the Sources to get their etc. etc.

If you are a travel Freak and love to go for adventurous trips here you are on the right place and game. With little knowledge of blogging or you can get a website design from any professional and write

This is known fact that lots of Professionals has setup their companies in this field and in no time they have earned lots of money and have expanded their business. So if you are travelling freak then you can start to write about the places you have visited and what are the sources to get there and what are the best spots to visit their which few of people have explored yet. People would love to hear about the same as every body likes it to be fully prepared or to be aware before visiting any place.

3 SEO Tips And Tricks

As fast as we are moving towards Digital world the role of SEO Expert is enlarging day by day. The people are using internet to reach any thing be it  to find any grocery or restaurant or finding real estate agent or making any investment. In JIST every thing is being searched on internet.

But if you want to be founded on Internet then SEO is the necessary part of your business and without SEO you will not be found on Interne which means you will loose users and so will business.
E commerce Companies like Amazon Flipkart etc. whose 100% business depends on the visibility on searchengine like Google Yahoo Bing etc.

These Companies are spending lots of money in SEO to be on 1st page of Search engine. So if anyone is having professional knowledge about SEO then you can start writing about it and can reach out to prespective clients. And through Affiliate marketing can earn lots of money as well.If you google about Top 10 bloogers in India  you will be amazed to know the top earners belong to this category. 

4 Cooking Tips

This is the topics mainly dominated by our women so here is the opportunities for you ladies to start writing about your cooking Items. As now a days people love to eat and they spend almost 20% of their income on this habit.

So this can be A great thing to write about. If you google about it you will find lots and lots websites about how to cook this and that food. If you are best on this this is a good Idea for you to write about.
If you don't want to buy web hosting space and don't want to get it professionally done by any one. 

Even though you can start writing about it. You can use free resources Like you can create blog on Bloggers on word press on Tumblr etc. These all sources are available for free and with little knowledge you can post your articles and with social sharing you can reach out to world with your tips. and with Seo Tips and Tricks you can rank yourself in the search engine.

So if you are fond of cooking new things in kitchen then why to limit your dishes to your kitchen only lets show it out to the world by starting blog about it.

5. Politics

Politics are popular during every election year. Whether national or local, find a political topic to discuss, and join this conversation.

Politics can be dicey, however. People tend to get really polarized around political topics, so be prepared to handle some controversy. If you love to discuss about politics then there are lots of people who love to hear about it. By creating a blog about it you can provide a platform to such people to discuss about Politics. And in India Politics is the most heard and discussed topic and politician is the most hated person.

Every now and then we have election be it local village election or state election or national election politics and politician are the most dominated topics on National news channels.And even if you want to enter in to politics even then to reach out to public this is a very good idea.

6 .History 

If you are interested in history then you can write about it you can write about ancient history eg. mythological topics like Vedas etc or can medieval topics you can write about the world history or Indian history what ever you like.

Top 10 Topics To write About For a Blog

People wants to know about it and they always keep on searching for the same that is why  Ancient History is having more than 11 cr. results. Which itself shows that why you should write about about it. 

If you are interested in history and want to know people about what you know then go for it and create a blog.

7.Stories and Jokes
If you are good at making people laugh and telling stories then its time for you to start writing few on blogs and share it out to lot more people and if they loves it you will be a demanding person for the same.

If you want to publish your book and want to write about any topic its very good platform to start with you will reach out to people you don't know and can get the honest reviews about the same.
i would say it can be a net practice session before playing actual one.

8. Charity and activism

Any type of charitable actions, events, or activism you support should be blogged about.

Crowdfunding sites such as KickStarter, IndieGoGo, GoFundMe, and the like appeal to the good in people, and showing you’re active in these communities can build your readership. Even an occasional petition can help the brand image.

9 Entertainment Blogs

If you love Music or watching movies then you can start blogging about it you can write about the new songs and can provide with the sources of downloading them. Same you can do with movies.

People specially young generations are crazy about music and movies and if you are the master of same you can be famous by providing the information about this.

10. Success story writer 

If you are interested in knowing new people and love to know about them then you can start about writing their stories and how did they get Success and how did they overcome the difficulties in their life. there is such blog which provides the same thing and this blog is in the list of Top 10 highest earning blogs in india

This is a very good topic to write about. Please comment below  about  your views and indeas



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