10 Greatest Kings and Warriors in Indian History - Best warriors in ancient and medieval India

India has always been a land of  the greatest kings and warriors and have made their presence all over the world. To day I would like to share my opinion about the Same. 

 We will keep in mind the size of territory won by them and the influence they have created in Peoples heart. Some of the name may be of the kings who didn't make it big to winning territory but they made their special place in our heart with their ethics with their courage.

Some of them are the Kings who expanded their regions to many countries but some of them won our hearts with their valor and Ethics.

The List Provided here is my personal choice I do not wish to offend any one by my list. If you Think that I have not Included any name which should have had been their,Please Let me know about the Name and info about it.

Here Is The List of 10 greatest kings and Warriors of Indian history which we are very proud of.

1. Chandragupta Maurya.
Chandragupta Maurya.

For Me when it comes to rank 10 greatest kings India have ever seen Chandragupta Maurya Comes 1st. the simple reason is that he started from scratch to rule the one of the greatest and biggest empire on the earth. although he was accompanied by Chanakya but it was his capabilities and valor which made him the greatest kings of India.

Details Of Chandragupta maurya
Birth date            - 340 BCE

Died                    - 297 BCE (41-42 years)
Ruling years       - c. 324 – c. 297 BCE

Chandragupta Maurya was the most important figure to integrate whole India (Ancient India) which was back then divided into 16 mahajanapadas.Chanakya had trained and guided Chandragupta and together they planned the destruction of Dhana Nanda. The Mudrarakshasa of Vishakhadatta as well as the Jain work Parishishtaparvan talk of Chandragupta's alliance with the Himalayan king Parvatka, sometimes identified with Porus.
He defeated the then Nanda Empire and founded Maurya empire while he was 20 years old Only.
He defeated Seleucus I Nicator, a Macedonian general of Alexander, who after Alexander's death, in 312 BCE, established the Seleucid Kingdom with capital Babylon, reconquered most of Alexander's former empire in Asia.

After unifying much of India, Chandragupta and his chief advisor Chanakya passed a series of major economic and political reforms. He established a strong central administration patterned after Chanakya's text on politics, the Arthashastra.

 Chandragupta's India was characterized by an efficient and highly organised bureaucratic structure with a large civil service. Due to its unified structure, the empire developed a strong economy, with internal and external trade thriving and agriculture flourishing. 

In both art and architecture, the Maurya Empire made important contributions, deriving some of its inspiration from the culture of the Achaemenid Empire and the Hellenistic world. Chandragupta's reign was a time of great social and religious reform in India.

2. Ashoka The Great - 
Ashoka The Great

Ashoka was the Grandson of Chandragupta maurya and Son of Bindusar and is considered at par with chandragupta maurya. Ashoka was the only king to rule the biggest empire in India till now.

Ashoka reigned over a realm that stretched from the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan to the modern state of Bangladesh in the east. It covered the entire Indian subcontinent except parts of present-day Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. The empire's capital was Pataliputra (in Magadha, present-day Patna), with provincial capitals at Taxila and Ujjain.

Details Of Ashoka The Great

Born         -  304 BCE
Died          -  232 BCE (aged 72)
Ruled       -  268 –  232 BCE

In about 260 BCE, Ashoka waged a bitterly destructive war against the state of Kalinga (modern Odisha. He conquered Kalinga, which none of his ancestors had done.

He embraced Buddhism after witnessing the mass deaths of the Kalinga War, which he himself had waged out of a desire for conquest. "Ashoka reflected on the war in Kalinga, which reportedly had resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and 150,000 deportations, ending at around 200,000 deaths.

Ashoka converted gradually to Buddhism beginning about 263 BCE.He was later dedicated to the propagation of Buddhism across Asia, and established monuments marking several significant sites in the life of Gautama Buddha. "Ashoka regarded Buddhism as a doctrine that could serve as a cultural foundation for political unity.

 Ashoka is now remembered as a philanthropic administrator. In the Kalinga edicts, he addresses his people as his "children", and mentions that as a father he desires their good.

3  Akbar The Great
Akbar The Great

Akbar was the greatest king of Mugal empire in his reign the Mughal empire was its peak Charm and India was the Richest Empire in The world. Akbar is credited for several Social and Economic reforms.

 Details of Akbar The Great
Born        -  15 October 1542
Died         -  27 October 1605 (aged 63)
Ruled      -  14 February 1556 – 27 October 1605 

Akbar was only 13 years when he was enthroned by Bairam khan by defeating Hemu The last hind king to rule Delhi. Akbar was the Son of Humayun and grandson of babar. Akbar unlike his predecessor not only ruled India but he did establish great relations with local kings, he married Jodha a Hindu Princess and he did establish Hindus at the Important Posts in his empire. Raja man singh had fought many wars for him.

To unify the vast Mughal state, Akbar established a centralised system of administration throughout his empire and adopted a policy of conciliating conquered rulers through marriage and diplomacy. To preserve peace and order in a religiously and culturally diverse empire, he adopted policies that won him the support of his non-Muslim subjects.

Akbar decreed that Hindus who had been forced to convert to Islam could reconvert to Hinduism without facing the death penalty

Akbar in his days of tolerance was so well liked by Hindus that there are numerous references to him and his eulogies are sung in songs and religious hymns as well.

Akbar practised several Hindu customs. He celebrated Diwali. He allowed Brahman priests to tie jewelled strings round his wrists by way of blessing and, following his lead, many of the nobles took to wearing rakhi (protection charms.He had renounced beef, and forbade the sale of all meats on certain days.

4  Kanishka

Kanishka was the greatest Kushan ruler his empire was certainly vast. It extended from southern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, north of the Amu Darya (Oxus) in the north west to Pakistan and Northern India, as far as Mathura in the south east (the Rabatak inscription even claims he held Pataliputra and Sri Champa), and his territory also included Kashmir, where there was a town Kanishkapur, named after him not far from the Baramula Pass and which still contains the base of a large stupa. 

Details Of Kanishka 
 Born       - Date Unknown
 Died       -  Date Unknown
 Reign     -  AD 127–150

He was a foreigner by birth. But he had deep love for India. He adopted Buddhism as his religion. By his conquests, by religious activities and by patronizing the Indian culture, he made the Kushan period eminently distinguished.
In the history of Buddhism, King Kanishka has been given a place only next to Samrat Ashoka as a patron of that religion. Like Ashoka, Kanishka also became a convert to Buddhism.

5 . Samduragupta -
Samudragupta  the 3rd king of Gupta Dynasty is also known by the name of Indian Napoleon who never lost any battle. The other famous name for this great king is Kaviraj.
by many his reign is considered the "GOLDEN PERIOD OF INDIA" At his time the situation of North India was turbulent.

Full Detail Of Samudragupta
Born  -
Died   -
Reign -  335 – c. 380 CE

Samudragupta made two campaigns in Northern India. At first he totally defeated the neighbouring kings in the Ganga-Yamuna Valley and consolidated his position. He defeated king Achyuta of Ahichchhatva, Nagasena of Mathura and Ganapati Naga of Padmavati and also a Prince of the Khota family. These kingdoms had formed a league against Samudragupta and the latter defeated their combined forces in a battle of Kausambi, though this theory lacked sufficient proofs to support it. In his conquests of Aryavarta 

Samudragupta followed a policy of ruthless conquests and annexation and he violently exterminated his opponent monarchs. He then turned to subjugate the kings of forest countries, all of whom were compelled to become his servants. Samudragupta then undertook the difficult task of subjugating the monarchs of Dakshinapatta. 

They were defeated in the battle and captured. But the victor released and reinstated them. His magninimity had earned him the allegiance of these Kings. In south he defeated King Mahendra of Kosala, king Vyaghraraja of Mahakantara, Mantaraja of Kovala, King Mahendra of Pistapura, King Svamidatta of Kottura, King Damana of Erandapalli , Visnugopa of Kanchi, Nilraja of Avamukta, Hastivarman of Vengi, Ugrasena of Palakka , Kubera of Devarastra , Dhananjaya of Kusthalapura.

The empire of Samudragupta under his direct administration was extensive. It included nearly the whole of northern India. Western Punjab, Western Rajputana, Sind, Gujarat, and Orissa were not included in the Gupta Empire. Yet, the empire was vast. In the east, it extended as far as the river Brahmaputra. In the south, it touched the river Narmada. In the north, it reached the Himalayas. Rightly does the historian V.A. Smith sum up the extent of Samudragupta’s domain and power saying:

“The dominion under the direct government of Samudragupta in the middle of the fourth century thus comprised of the most populous and fertile countries of northern India. It extended from the Brahmaputra on the east to the Jamuna and Chambal on the west; and from the foot of the Himalayas on the north to the Narmada on the south.

6  Chattarapati Shivaji 
Chattarapati Shivaji

Shivaji Was the Founder of great maratha empire and is the most celebrated maratha king in Maharashtra specially.

Full Information Of Shivaji
Born        - April 1627 AD
Dien        - 3 April 1680 AD
Ruled     -  1674 -1680 AD

Shivaji was a Maratha aristocrat of the Bhosle clan who is considered to be the historical founder of the Maratha empire. Shivaji led a resistance to free the Maratha people from the Sultanate of Bijapur and re-establish Hindavi Swarajya(self-rule of Hindu people.He created an independent Maratha kingdom with Raigad as its capital and successfully fought against the Mughals to defend his kingdom.

 He was crowned as Chhatrapati(sovereign) of the new Maratha kingdom in 1674. The state Shivaji founded was a Maratha kingdom comprising about 4.1% of the subcontinent, but spread over large tracts. At the time of his death.is was dotted with about 300 forts, about 40,000 cavalry, 50,000 foot soldiers and naval establishments all over the west coast. Over time, the kingdom would increase in size and heterogeneity.and by the time of the his grandson and later on under the Peshwas in the early 18th century it was a full-fledged empire

Shivaji was a devout Hindu, but respected all religions within the region. Shivaji had great respect for other contemporary saints, especially Samarth Ramdas, to whom he gave the fort of Parali, later renamed as 'Sajjangad'. Among the various poems written on Shivaji, Ramdas' Shivastuti ("Praise of King Shivaji") is the most famous. Shivaji's son Sambhaji later built a samadhi for Ramdas Swami on Sajjangad upon the latter's death. Samarth Ramdas had also written a letter to Sambhaji guiding him on what to do and what not to do after death of Shivaji.

7  Prithviraj chauhan 
Prithviraj chauhaun

Prithviraj Chauhan was a Rajput king who ruled the kingdoms of Ajmer and Delhi in northern India in 12th century; he was one of the last independent Hindu kings to sit upon the throne of Delhi. Also known as Rai Pithora, he was a Rajput king originating from the Chauhan dynasty.

Information About Prithviraj Chauhan

Born  - 1149 AD
Died  -  1192 AD 
Regin -1178 AD 1192 AD

Prithviraj Chauhan is a Famous North Indian King for his bravery for his Friendship for his Ethics and For his Elopement of Sanyogita. His stories of bravery and Rajputana Ethics are sung in the form of LokGeet in Rajasthan. 

He is The Most famous Rajput King in North India along With Maharana pratap. Prithviraj chauhan was the son of Someshwar dutt of Ajmer and at the age of 13 he defeated and killed the Gujrat King Bheemdev Solanki.

He is said to have mastered the vary rare form of archery which is called Shabadbhedi Vidhya ( sound base ) where target was hit only by the sound of sound only. There are only few people to have possessed such brilliant knowledge.

The elopement story of his with sanyogita is very famous among north indian and is been sung in the folk songs to honor great rajput warrior.

Prithviraj Chauhan May not have made that big in winning in Territories like Mauryans and mughals but he is one of the most liked warrior who is rembered for honoring Friendship Ethics and for his personal Bravery.

According to Chandbaradi Prithviraj chauhan was defeated by Ghori in the 2nd battle of tarain in 1192. He was prisoned and was taken to Ghor and was blinded by Ghori for denying to look down in front of Ghori. and he was blinded for the same. Later with the help of Chandbardai's Instruction he was able to kill Ghori.

There are different stories of Prithviraj's death so this is from chandbardai book prithviraj rasso.He is also mentioned in  bhavisya purana that he is the great tragic hero karna's reincarnation.

The death mystery of This Great Rajput king is still debatable. Some sources says he was killed in the battle and never been prisoned by Ghori. Some says that he was prisoned and taken back to Delhi where he was humiliated by Ghori by raping his wife in front of him and afterwards got killed.Some sources says that he was reinstated the king of Ajmer by Ghori and the coins of his reign explains about this. I don't know what is the truth I know for sure that he was the king whom every Indian Should feel proud on. 

8 Peshwa Bajirao 1
Peshwa Bajirao 1

Bajirao I (18 August 1700 – 28 April 1740) was a general of the Maratha Empire in India. He served as Peshwa (Prime Minister) to the fourth Maratha Chhatrapati (king) Shahu from 1720 until Bajirao's death. He is also known by the names Bajirao Ballal and Thorale (Marathi for "Elder") Bajirao.

Details About Bajirao I
Born     - 1700 AD
Died      - 1740 AD
Reign   -1720 AD - 1740 Ad

Bajirao is credited with expanding the Maratha Empire, especially in the north, which contributed to its reaching a zenith during his son's reign twenty years after his death. In his brief military career spanning 20 years, Bajirao never lost a battle. According to the British Army officer Bernard Montgomery, Bajirao was possibly the finest cavalry general ever produced by India.

Peshwa Bajirao's first wife was Kashibai; they had three sons: Balaji Baji Rao(aka Nana Saheb), Raghunath Rao and Janardhan Rao (who died young). Nana Saheb succeeded him as the Peshwa in 1740, under the name Balaji Baji Rao.

His second wife was Chhatrasal's daughter Mastani. They were deeply in love and he built a palace for her in Pune, which was called the Mastani Mahal.Bajirao died on April 28, 1740, at the age of 39 of a sudden fever, possibly heat stroke

Field-Marshal Bernard Montgomery, in his "History of Warfare"[21] likened Bajirao's approach to that subsequently made famous by U.S. Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman during his 1864 March to the Sea: the use of rapid movements where his troops lived off the land, with minimal concern for their own supply and communication lines and employing "total warfare" on the enemy civilian population. He is often called a cavalry general.

9 Maharana Pratap
Maharana Pratap

Maharna Pratap is a famous Hindu Rajput warrior hailed from Rajasthan was a ruler of Mewar rajasthan.Maharana pratap is a very famous figure among hindus rajput and held very high place in rajputs history. This is the warrior who is loved for being ethical for Enemies Women and when it comes to personal bravery he is undoubtedly the best of his time.

Details About Maharana Pratap
Born  -  1540 AD
Died   -  1597
Reign - 1572 AD-1597 AD

Mahrana Pratap turned down the offers of friendship from Akbar and stood against the powerful Mughal Force and the Battle of haldi ghati was the result of same. Battle of Haldighati was won by Mughal forces led by Raja Man Singh. Afterwards Maharana pratap retires to forest of aravalis and stayed in their for the most of his time.

Maharana pratap was the true rajput when it comes to Obey Rajput codes. He never attacked on women old age people and children neither did he ever Dishonor the enemies women.
There is a story that once on the order of Akbar Rahin khan son of bairam khan  was marching against Pratap. The Womwn folk of Rahim khan was capured by amarsingh and taken to maharana pratap. 

When mahrana pratap come to know the deed of Amar singh ,he not only freed them but also asked Amar Sing to escort them back to camp with full safety.
Such was the greatness of Rajput warrior. Who lived his full life for his Honor not for ruling.

When Rahim Khan came to know about the incident he gave up of marching against Such noble person and went back to his place.

By many Scholar he is been credited to upkeep Rajputs reputation during Mughal era where most of the rajput submits to Akbar he stays back and chose to die rather then submitting to Akbar. He was tried to hunt down by Akabr  for many years but he killed all the forces sent to kill him resulted in the heavy financial and cavalry loss to Akbar. Maharana Pratap took Oath to sleep on earth till he gets back his all forts from Akbar and he did regain all except one.

10 Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Maharaja Ranjit singh was the founder of the Sikh Empire, which came to power in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent in the early half of the 19th century. He survived smallpox in infancy but lost sight in his left eye. He fought his first battle alongside his father at age 10. After his father died, he fought several wars to expel the Afghans in his teenage years, and was proclaimed as the "Maharaja of Punjab" at age 21 His empire grew in the Punjab region under his leadership through 1839

Details About Maharaja ranjit Singh
Born     - 1780 AD
Died      - 1839 AD
Reign   - 1801 - 1839 AD

Ranjit Singh's fame grew in 1797, at age 17, when the Afghan Muslim ruler Shah Zaman, of the Ahmad Shah Abdali dynasty, attempted to annex Panjab region into his control through his general Shahanchi Khan and 12,000 soldiers.The battle was fought in the territory that fell in Ranjit Singh controlled , whose regional knowledge and warrior expertise helped kill the Afghan general and rout his army. This victory gained him recognition. In 1798, the Afghan ruler sent in another army, which Ranjit Singh did not resist. He let them enter Lahore, then encircled them with his army, blocked off all food and supplies, burnt all crops and food sources that could have supported the Afghan army. Much of the Afghan army retreated back to Afghanistan

Note -Source of Article -Wikipedia and others websites and magazines 


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


  1. It's a great pleasure to see my role model,maharana pratap in the list of top 10 warriors of indian history

  2. I think there should be Aurangzeb in it

  3. Why there is not even a single king from South India,if there is no one from South,then Kings from North could have conquered south india too....

  4. Have you heard of Raja raja chozha and Rajendra chozha...No one in this list can come near them

  5. Great information
