About Us

Looking for a platform which can enhance your general knowledge related to Hisotry, Search engine optimization, Content Marketing, Online marketing,Current burning topics in India and around the world and much more!! My blog can be proved a prominent place to acquire information and knowledge as much as you can and so far.  The main objective of this blog is to highlight the general yet important topics which are worthy to serve you.
If you are hisotry lover and wants to know about history and love to disscuss on the same be it ancient history be it medieval history or modern history i have tried to blend in in one on this platform.
If you want to know about travelling places and how to get there and what are the best places to visit in India then you are on the right platform.
If you love to discuss about current topics or current debates going on in world you can get the updates here and same time can discuss the ideas.
About the Author:
This blog is owned and run by Anil Verma, a real estate professional and a part-time blogger presently (later, He will perform as a full time blogger) and curious to learn new things & activities. He is a citizen of India and resides in Delhi NCR region and have graduated from Himachal pradesh uviversity in Commerce and hold MBA from PTU . he loves to write about travel history and online marketing seo etc.
Write us at vermaanil1987@gmail.com and dissuss with your ideas which may turn this blog to better presentable and best information provider to users.


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