Important Facts About Prithviraj Chauhan

Prithviraj Chauhan 

Prithviraj chauhan also called Rai Pithora was the Indian king belonged to Chauhans Dynasty. He was the Son of Someshwar Dutt. At the Age of 11 his father was killed and ascended the throne.
Prithvi Raj III, commonly known as Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-1192 CE), was a king of the Hindu Chauhan dynasty, who ruled the kingdoms of Ajmer and Delhi in northern India during the latter half of the 12th century.

Important  Facts About Prithviraj Chauhan

Prithviraj Chauhan belonged to the Rajput Chauhan clan and was the last independent Hindu king, before Hemu, to sit upon the throne of Delhi. But this stament is also debatable as the Many hindu kings ruled for long time much after Prithviraj Chauhan. 

He controlled much of present-day Rajasthan and Haryana, and unified the Rajputs against Muslim invasions. His elopement in 1175 with Samyukta (Sanyogita), the daughter of Jai Chandra Rathod, the Gahadvala king of Kannauj, is a popular romantic tale in India, and is one of the subjects of the Prithviraj Raso, an epic poem composed by Chauhan's court poet and friend, Chand Bardai. The elopement Of prithviraj Chauhan is Described in prithviraj raso by chand bardai who was the court poet of Chand bardai.

Chauhan defeated the Muslim ruler Shahabuddin Muhammad Ghori in the First Battle of Tarain in 1191 and set him free as a gesture of mercy. Ghauri attacked for a second time the next year, and Chauhan was defeated and captured at the Second Battle of Tarain (1192).
Death of Prithviraj Chauhan is Still Debatable. According to Prithviraj raso Prithviraj chauhan was Taken to Ghazni By Ghori as a Prisoner. 

There he was Blinded by Ghori to look straight in his eyes as it was not acceptable for a Rajput to bow down to someone other than God. When Chand Bardai heard of this he set out for ghazni and tricked Ghori by saying that Prithviraj chauhan could easily hit the target with the sound only. To prove this he organizes a programe where Prithviraj chauhan was supposed to perform his Archery Skills.

When that Programe starts Chand bardai asked the Ghori to give instruction to Prithviraj as he was a king once and he deserve to instruct by king only. And very Cleverly he discribes the exact position of Sitting of Ghori and requested Prithviraj Chauhan to end Ghori. When Ghori Instructs Prithviraj to Shoot to target instead of hitting target Prithviraj shoots arrow towards Ghori and arrow pierce his throat. To avoid the humility by getting killed by muslims they both stabs each others and ends their life.

According to Most Mediveal Sources Prithviraj chauhan was reinstated to his throne by Ghori and was killed later for Conspiring against the Ghori.This Claim is backed by the Coins whivh were issued by Prithviraj in the name of him as well as Mumahad on the reverse.

Prithviraj Chahaun was really a great king but the mistkes he made cost him the Loss of his Life by letting fo Ghori in 1st battle of tarain. where he was defeated by the forces of Prithviraj chauhan led by His Brother.

To avenge his defeat he marched to India and met prithviraj  for 2nd time in tarain in 1192 AD. Beacuse this time Jaichand the king of kannauj for personal enmity helped Ghori to subdue Prithviraj Chauhan. 

Fight was going well for rajputs and as their were custom of fights from sunrise to sunset Rajput retires from fight and set for their capms for taking rest. Ghori took the advantage of this and attacked Rajput camps. Thus he managed to defeat Rajput army and captured Retreating Prithviraj Chauhan and killed him immediatly. Then he st ou to delhi and raped sanyogita .

So the Truth of Prithviraj death is still debatable and what happend to sanyogita is also full of mystry. As its called that History is the mystry. It may be Possible That our Hindu author have depicted Prithiraj Chauhan little extra in their stories but it may be possible that Muslim authors have depicted him down to make their people happy as it was in the case of 1192 AD Army Numbers. It was stated 300000 horsemen from rajput and 192000 from Ghori Side. So the authenticity of Information lies in the mystry of time.

Prithviraj chauhan was undoubtly a great Rajput Warrior who was a great friend a learned Scholar a trained fighter and a noble king and a passionate lover. The Land of North India Is full of the story of this great rajput King and has great respect for this legend. 

Whatevr was the end of this Rajput but he has made himself a place not in history but in Peoples heart thats why he is loved by Rajputs. Many places and schools are named after this great rajup warrior and to honor this great king Several Statues has been Installed in Rajputs dominated ares specially to let people Know that here Lives the People who comes from the Lineage of Prithviraj Chauhan.

Prithviraj Chauhan's succession was not secure since the death of Vigraha Raja in 1165. Prithviraj re-consolidated control over the Chauhan kingdom and conquered several neighbouring kingdoms, making the Chauhan kingdom the dominant Hindu kingdom in northern India. 

He campaigned against the Chandela Rajputs of Bundelkhand. His kingdom included much of present-day northwest India including Rajasthan, Haryana, parts of Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab. 


Anangpal Tomar II, the king of Delhi, had two daughters, Roopsundari and Kamaladevi. Roopsundari was married to Vijaypal, king of Kannauj, and had a son named Jai Chandra. Jai Chandra's daughter was named Samyukta. Kamaladevi was married to Someshwar Chauhan, the king of Ajmer, and had a son, Prithviraj, and a daughter, Pratha. Prithviraj married Samyukta, and Pratha was married to Samar Singh, Maharana of Chittor. His uncle Kanha Chauhan's daughter was married to Raja Pajawan of Amber.

When I try to find truth about this great king of rajput  it takes me much more in to cnfusion as lots of people are agreeing to one thing and disagreeing to other. It reminds me to this famous quote.

"I don't think that faith, whatever you're being faithful about, really can be scientifically explained. And I don't want to explain this whole life business through truth, science. There's so much mystery. There's so much awe". Jane Goodall


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